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"Jennie believes that because of plastic bags’ wastefulness and the damage they do to the environment, humans will eventually use a lot fewer of them. New York’s acceptance of this change is only a matter of time. For the city to have come so far and so quickly toward rejection of the single-use disposable plastic bag, when ten years ago nobody in government was even talking about it, is partly because of her." — Ian Frazier, for The New Yorker
Jennie Romer, Esq. is a lawyer, policy advisor, and sustainability expert with deep expertise in waste reduction and single-use plastics policy. She previously served as Deputy Assistant Administrator for Pollution Prevention at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), where she oversaw Pollution Prevention (P2) Grants and programs focused on sustainable purchasing, safer chemicals, and low-embodied carbon construction materials. She also played a key role in U.S. engagement in the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC) on Plastic Pollution process.
Prior to her EPA appointment, Jennie was a Legal Associate at the Surfrider Foundation, where she led their Plastic Pollution Initiative. Jennie is the author of Can I Recycle This? and the founder of She has been instrumental in shaping plastic bag legislation and other packaging policy in San Francisco, New York, and other jurisdictions. Her expertise is widely recognized, with features in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, Politico, and other major outlets.
Jennie holds a J.D. from Golden Gate University School of Law and bachelor's degrees in Zoology, Environmental Studies, and Black Studies from UC Santa Barbara. She is admitted to the California and New York State Bars and is based in New York City.
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